1. First steps

When customizing graphics, the easiest is to start from an existing tileset and modify it. You should never modify directly the tilesets shipped by Freeciv21: first because if you break them, you have no “good” reference to compare to, and second because any update of Freeciv21 will overwrite your changes. Therefore, we will start this tutorial by duplicating the amplio2 tileset into a new tileset called, very imaginatively, tutorial. In order to find the files, it is helpful to start a game and open Help ‣ About Freeciv21 from the menu. You will find there the list of directories in which Freeciv21 looks for its data files: one of them will contain a file called amplio2.tilespec.


On Windows, the file explorer may not show the complete name of files by default. Because of this, amplio2.tilespec might appear as a file called amplio2 with the description saying “TILESPEC file”. This can be changed in Windows Explorer by checking View ‣ Show/hide ‣ File name extensions. In the rest of this documentation, the complete name will always be used.

Once you have found the amplio2.tilespec file, copy it to another of the Freeciv21 folders (we suggest using a folder inside your home directory) and rename it to tutorial.tilespec. That is it: your new tileset can now be selected from the menu (you may need to reopen the settings window). For now, it is identical to the original amplio2; we will address this in a moment.

The .tilespec file contains some metadata that should be updated. To do this, open it in your text editor (see the introduction for suggestions). Then, find the following line:

name = "Amplio2"

Clearly, the name of the tileset should be changed to Tutorial. Near this line, you will also find a short description of the tileset:

summary = _("Large isometric tileset.")

The underscore and parentheses around the quotes indicate that this value can be translated, and you should leave them in place. However, the description itself could be improved: change it, for instance, to “Tileset from the Tileset Tutorial”. Once done, you can save the file and reload the tileset in Freeciv21; the default keystroke is Control-Shift-F5.


You may find that syntax highlighting gives strange results with Freeciv21 files: when this happens, configuring your editor to use syntax highlighting for INI configuration files usually helps.

You may have noticed that we did not need to copy any image file in order to create the new tileset. Indeed, if you scroll down in tutorial.tilespec, you will find that it references files from amplio2:

files =

The ability to reference files from another tileset is very useful to organize files. This is how, for instance, nation flags are imported: there is a central list that every tileset references. In the next chapter of this tutorial, you will learn how to new sprites.