Tileset Compatibility

The tileset format evolves when new Freeciv21 releases are published. As a rule of thumb, we try to maintain compatibility with tilesets designed for previous releases, or at least to make the update as straightforward as possible. When new features are introduced, we provide a flag that lets tilesets require them: a tileset using such a flag will not load in versions of Freeciv21 that do not have the feature. This lets tileset authors request the exact features needed by their tileset.

Feature flags are requested by adding them to the options string in the main .tilespec file. For instance, the following options require precise-hp-bars in addition to the main Freeciv21 capability:

options = "+Freeciv-tilespec-Devel-2019-Jul-03 +precise-hp-bars"

Notice the + in front of the flag name.

The rest of this page lists the available flags and their meaning.


When a graphics tag is specified appears several times, the lattermost tag is used.


Unit HP bars with a precision different from 10% can be used (sprites unit.hp_*). The sprites must still be equally spaced: for instance, providing the following set of sprites will work as expected: unit.hp_0, unit.hp_25, unit.hp_50, unit.hp_75, unit.hp_100. On the other hand, specifying only the following sprites will give wrong results: unit.hp_0, unit.hp_90, unit.hp_100.


The number of sprites used in the animation under the selected unit is no longer fixed to four (sprites unit.select*). Also introduces the setting select_step_ms.


The number of sprites used to display unit upkeep is no longer limited to 10 (sprites upkeep.unhappy*, upkeep.output*).


Support for this option signals the availability of the new hex_corner sprite type for terrain.


Terrain-specific extra sprites allow for different sprites to be used depending on the terrain. Currently, only rivers/roads/rails/maglev sprites may be made terrain-specific, but compatibility for specials and bases is expected to roll out soon. To use terrain-specific sprites, use the same nomenclature as before, but with the terrain name included after the type of extra. E.g. road.road_isolated becomes road.road_mountain_isolated.


Support for this option signals that Tileset Options are available.