Tileset Breaking Changes

This page lists in reverse chronological order breaking changes merged into the master branch of the GitHub repository to aid Tileset modders keep their tilesets up to date.

Post Beta.4 before Beta.5

  • Removed the need for main_intro_file for all *.tilespec files. Tileset modders no longer need to include this tag in their tilesets.

  • Wonder sprites removed from data/misc/buildings.spec and moved into data/misc/wonders.spec. Tileset modders will need to include a new file to get the small wonder sprites.

  • Removed data/amplio2/units.spec. Consolidated all unit sprites into data/misc/units.spec. Tileset modders utilizing the Amplio2 unit sprites will want to instead use the new units.spec file. It is the new home of the Amplio style units utilized by the Tier 1 tilesets in Freeciv21: Amplio2 and Hexemplio. Old Amplio is no longer shipped with Freeciv21 and can be downloaded with the modpack installer.