Filing Bugs and Enhancement Requests

Freeciv21 certainly contains some bugs and definitely needs improvements. Please report all you find or want to report to

The project team has implemented GitHub Issue Templates to make the process as easy as possible. We currently have 3 different ones: Bug Report, Documentation Request, and Feature Request. Each template has prompts to help you fill in the details. See an example screenshot below.

GitHub Issue Templates

Fig. 85 GitHub Issue Templates

Reporting an Issue

The Freeciv21 project uses GitHub issues to track bugs, enhancement requests and documentation requests. Take note of the following when thinking of submitting an issue.

  • Check that it is not listed as a known issue. For a continuously updated list, see:

  • Check the Freeciv21 Releases page at, to ensure you are playing the latest version. We may have already fixed the problem.

  • If the first two items do not work, then feel free to submit a new issue. We have implemented GitHub issue templates which will walk you through the major aspects of a new issue. It is important to note that the more details you can provide, the better. If a screenshot is available, then by all means add it to the issue.

    • If you are an advanced hacker, you can also provide a core dump or stack trace to better help the developers of Freeciv21 understand the nature of the issue.

    • If there is an issue in a translation, please report it. We are still getting organized with internationalization (i18n) support for the client and server. The more we know the better.