Installing Freeciv21

The developers of Freeciv21 provide pre-compiled binaries and installation packages for tagged releases. They can be found on the Longturn GitHub Repository for Freeciv21 at The Longturn community provides binary packages for Debian-based Linux distros (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.), Microsoft Windows® (32 and 64-bit), and Apple macOS®. If you are an Arch Linux user, you can find Freeciv21 in the AUR at


For more information on using the Windows Installer package, you can read about it at Windows Installation.

Debian Linux

To install the Debian package, use the apt command with elevated privileges like this:

$ sudo apt install ./freeciv21_*_amd64.deb


To install the macOS .dmg package, you start by double-clicking the file to mount it in Finder. Drag the game to your Applications folder, or a place of your choosing. When finished, unmount the package.