
Freeciv21 has built-in support for printing debugging information at runtime. This is very valuable for developers who want to check their code or a system administrator to monitor their servers. Five levels are available:

  • fatal reports errors that cause the application to exit immediately.

  • critical is for recoverable errors caused by a problem in the code or an input file.

  • warning corresponds to a couple of errors that may affect the game state. The players are also notified using in-game messages.

  • info is used for generic messages aimed at the user.

  • debug messages are typically not shown, but might provide additional hints when there is a problem.

The minimum level for which messages are printed can be set by passing the -d <level> argument to Freeciv21. The default is info.

Freeciv21 uses Qt for its messages, so the many Qt configuration options can be used. See the Qt documentation for details. The system can be tweaked to show only the messages you want at run time, for instance by setting QT_LOGGING_RULES. The complete docs are at QLoggingCategory. The following categories are currently defined:

Table 11 Logging Parameters


Used for


Stack traces in debug builds.


Assertion errors.


spec file parser.


When the code finds a bug in itself.


Various timers.


Deprecation warnings.


Citizen manager messages.


Ruleset issues.


Path finding debug messages.


FPS counters.

For instance, one could disable stack traces and enable Go To debug message by setting:

export QT_LOGGING_RULES="freeciv.stacktrace*=false\nfreeciv.goto.debug=true"

In addition to tweaking categories, system administrators may want to set QT_LOGGING_TO_CONSOLE to 0 to force use of the system logging facilities.

When Freeciv21 is built in Debug mode, many messages are added to its debug output and it becomes very, very verbose. This is not the case for other build types, for example Release and RelWithDebInfo. Freeciv21 will try and print a detailed stack trace on fatal and critical errors, but this is limited by the availability of debugging symbols.