Freeciv21 Hacker’s Guide

This guide is intended to be a help for developers, wanting to mess with Freeciv21 programming.

The Server

Server Autogame Testing

Code changes should always be tested before submission for inclusion into the GitHub source tree. It is useful to run the client and server as autogames to verify either a particular savegame no longer shows a fixed bug, or as a random sequence of games in a while loop overnight.

To start a server game with all AI players, create a file (below named civ.serv) with lines such as the following:

# set gameseed 42       # repeat a particular game (random) sequence
# set mapseed 42        # repeat a particular map generation sequence
# set timeout 3         # run a client/server autogame
set timeout -1          # run a server only autogame
set minplayers 0        # no human player needed
set ec_turns 0          # avoid timestamps in savegames
set aifill 7            # fill to 7 players
hard                    # make the AI do complex things
create Caesar           # first player (with known name) created and
                        # toggled to AI mode
start                   # start game

The commandline to run server-only games can be typed as variations of:

$ while( time build/freeciv21-server -r civ.serv ); do date; done
---  or  ---
$ build/freeciv21-server -r civ.serv -f buggy1534.sav.gz

To attach one or more clients to an autogame, remove the start command, start the server program and attach clients to created AI players. Or type aitoggle <player> at the server command prompt for each player that connects. Finally, type start when you are ready to watch the show.


The server will eventually flood a client with updates faster than they can be drawn to the screen, thus it should always be throttled by setting a timeout value high enough to allow processing of the large update loads near the end of the game.

If you plan to compare results of autogames the following changes can be helpful:

  • define __FC_LINE__ to a constant value in ./utility/log.h.

  • deactivation of the event cache (set ec_turns 0).

Old Lists

For variable length list of units and cities Freeciv21 uses a genlist, which is implemented in utility/genlist.cpp. By some macro magic type specific macros have been defined, creating a lot of trouble for C++ programmers. These macro-based lists are being phased out in favor of STL containers. In the meantime, we preserve here an explanation of how to use them.

For example a tile struct (the pointer to it we call ptile) has a unit list, ptile->units; to iterate though all the units on the tile you would do the following:

unit_list_iterate(ptile->units, punit) {
  // In here we could do something with punit, which is a pointer to a
  // unit struct
} unit_list_iterate_end;

Note that the macro itself declares the variable punit. Similarly there is a

city_list_iterate(pplayer->cities, pcity) {
  // Do something with pcity, the pointer to a city struct
} city_list_iterate_end;

There are other operations than iterating that can be performed on a list; inserting, deleting, or sorting etc. See utility/speclist.h. Note that the way the *_list_iterate macro is implemented means you can use “continue” and “break” in the usual manner.

One thing you should keep in the back of your mind. Say you are iterating through a unit list, and then somewhere inside the iteration decide to disband a unit. In the server you would do this by calling wipe_unit(punit), which would then remove the unit node from all the relevant unit lists. However, by the way unit_list_iterate works, if the removed unit was the following node unit_list_iterate will already have saved the pointer, and use it in a moment, with a segfault as the result. To avoid this, use unit_list_iterate_safe instead.


Currently the graphics is stored in the PNG file format.

If you alter the graphics, then make sure that the background remains transparent. Failing to do this means the mask-pixmaps will not be generated properly, which will certainly not give any good results.

Each terrain tile is drawn in 16 versions, all the combinations with a green border in one of the main directions. Hills, Mountains, Forests, and Rivers are treated in special cases.

Isometric tilesets are drawn in a similar way to how civ2 draws (that is why civ2 graphics are compatible). For each base terrain type there exists one tile sprite for that terrain. The tile is blended with nearby tiles to get a nice-looking boundary. This is erroneously called “dither” in the code.

Non-isometric tilesets draw the tiles in the “original” Freeciv21 way, which is both harder and less pretty. There are multiple copies of each tile, so that a different copy can be drawn depending on the terrain type of the adjacent tiles. It may eventually be worthwhile to convert this to the civ2 system or another one altogether.

Map Structure

The map is maintained in a pretty straightforward C array, containing \(X\times Y\) tiles. You can use the function struct tile *map_pos_to_tile(x, y) to find a pointer to a specific tile. A tile has various fields; see the struct in common/map.h.

You may iterate tiles, you may use the following methods:

whole_map_iterate(tile_itr) {
  // do something
} whole_map_iterate_end;

for iterating all tiles of the map;

adjc_iterate(center_tile, tile_itr) {
  // do something
} adjc_iterate_end;

for iterating all tiles close to center_tile, in all valid directions for the current topology (see below);

cardinal_adjc_iterate(center_tile, tile_itr) {
  // do something
} cardinal_adjc_iterate_end;

for iterating all tiles close to center_tile, in all cardinal directions for the current topology (see below);

square_iterate(center_tile, radius, tile_itr) {
  // do something
} square_iterate_end;

for iterating all tiles in the radius defined radius (in real distance, see below), beginning by center_tile;

circle_iterate(center_tile, radius, tile_itr) {
  // do something
} square_iterate_end;

for iterating all tiles in the radius defined radius (in square distance, see below), beginning by center_tile;

iterate_outward(center_tile, real_dist, tile_itr) {
  // do something
} iterate_outward_end;

for iterating all tiles in the radius defined radius (in real distance, see below), beginning by center_tile. Actually, this is the duplicate of square_iterate, or various tricky ones defined in common/map.h, which automatically adjust the tile values. The defined macros should be used whenever possible, the examples above were only included to give people the knowledge of how things work.

Note that the following:

for (x1 = x-1; x1 <= x+1; x1++) {
  for (y1 = y-1; y1 <= y+1; y1++) {
    // do something

is not a reliable way to iterate all adjacent tiles for all topologies, so such operations should be avoided.

Also available are the functions calculating distance between tiles. In Freeciv21, we are using 3 types of distance between tiles:

  • The map_distance(ptile0, ptile1) function returns the Manhattan distance between tiles, i.e. the distance from ptile0 to ptile1, only using cardinal directions. For example, \(|dx| + |dy|\) for non-hexagonal topologies.

  • The real_map_distance(ptile0, ptile1) function returns the normal distance between tiles, i.e. the minimal distance from ptile0 to ptile1 using all valid directions for the current topology.

  • The sq_map_distance(ptile0, ptile1) function returns the square distance between tiles. This is a simple way to make Pythagorean effects for making circles on the map for example. For non-hexagonal topologies, it would be \(dx^2 + dy^2\). Only useless square root is missing.

Different Types of Map Topology

Originally Freeciv21 supports only a simple rectangular map. For instance a 5x3 map would be conceptualized as

<- XXXXX ->
<- XXXXX ->
<- XXXXX ->

and it looks just like that under “overhead” (non-isometric) view. The arrows represent an east-west wrapping. But under an isometric-view client, the same map will look like:

<-   X     ->
<-  X X    ->
<- X X X   ->
<-  X X X  ->
<-   X X X ->
<-    X X  ->
<-     X   ->

where “north” is to the upper-right and “south” to the lower-left. This makes for a mediocre interface.

An isometric-view client will behave better with an isometric map. This is what Civ2, SMAC, Civ3, etc. all use. A rectangular isometric map can be conceptualized as

<- X X X X X  ->
<-  X X X X X ->
<- X X X X X  ->
<-  X X X X X ->

North is up and it will look just like that under an isometric-view client. Of course under an overhead-view client it will again turn out badly.

Both types of maps can easily wrap in either direction: north-south or east-west. Thus there are four types of wrapping: flat-earth, vertical cylinder, horizontal cylinder, and torus. Traditionally Freeciv21 only wraps in the east-west direction.

Topology, Cardinal Directions and Valid Directions

A cardinal direction connects tiles per a side. Another valid direction connects tiles per a corner.

In non-hexagonal topologies, there are 4 cardinal directions, and 4 other valid directions. In hexagonal topologies, there are 6 cardinal directions, which matches exactly the 6 valid directions.

Note that with isometric view, the direction named “North” (DIR8_NORTH) is actually not from the top to the bottom of the screen view. All directions are turned a step on the left (e.g. \(\pi \div 4\) rotation with square tiles and \(\pi \div 3\) rotation for hexagonal tiles).

Different Coordinate Systems

In Freeciv21, we have the general concept of a “position” or “tile”. A tile can be referred to in any of several coordinate systems. The distinction becomes important when we start to use non-standard maps (see above).

Here is a diagram of coordinate conversions for a classical map.

map        natural      native       index

ABCD        ABCD         ABCD
EFGH  <=>   EFGH     <=> EFGH   <=> ABCDEFGHIJKL
IJKL        IJKL         IJKL

Here is a diagram of coordinate conversions for an iso-map.

map          natural     native       index

  CF        A B C         ABC
 BEIL  <=>   D E F   <=>  DEF   <=> ABCDEFGHIJKL
ADHK        G H I         GJI
 GJ          J K L        JKL

Below each of the coordinate systems are explained in more detail. Note that hexagonal topologies are always considered as isometric.

Map (or “Standard”) Coordinates

All of the code examples above are in map coordinates. These preserve the local geometry of square tiles, but do not represent the global map geometry well. In map coordinates, you are guaranteed, so long as we use square tiles, that the tile adjacency rules

|  (map_x-1, map_y-1)    (map_x, map_y-1)   (map_x+1, map_y-1)
|  (map_x-1, map_y)      (map_x, map_y)     (map_x+1, map_y)
|  (map_x-1, map_y+1)    (map_x, map_y+1)   (map_x+1, map_y+1)

are preserved, regardless of what the underlying map or drawing code looks like. This is the definition of the system.

With an isometric view, this looks like:

|                           (map_x-1, map_y-1)
|              (map_x-1, map_y)            (map_x, map_y-1)
| (map_x-1, map_y+1)          (map_x, map_y)              (map_x+1, map_y-1)
|             (map_x, map_y+1)            (map_x+1, map_y)
|                           (map_x+1, map_y+1)

Map coordinates are easiest for local operations (e.g. ‘square_iterate’ and friends, translations, rotations, and any other scalar operation) but unwieldy for global operations.

When performing operations in map coordinates (like a translation of tile (x, y) by (dx, dy) -> (x + dx, y + dy)), the new map coordinates may be unsuitable for the current map. In case, you should use one of the following functions or macros:

  • map_pos_to_tile(): return NULL if normalization is not possible;

  • normalize_map_pos(): return TRUE if normalization have been done (wrapping X and Y coordinates if the current topology allows it);

  • is_normal_map_pos(): return TRUE if the map coordinates exist for the map;

  • CHECK_MAP_POS(): assert whether the map coordinates exist for the map.

Map coordinates are quite central in the coordinate system, and they may be easily converted to any other coordinates: MAP_TO_NATURAL_POS(), MAP_TO_NATIVE_POS(), or map_pos_to_index() functions.

Natural Coordinates

Natural coordinates preserve the geometry of map coordinates, but also have the rectangular property of native coordinates. They are unwieldy for most operations because of their sparseness. They may not have the same scale as map coordinates and, in the iso case, there are gaps in the natural representation of a map.

With classical view, this looks like:

(nat_x-1, nat_y-1)    (nat_x, nat_y-1)   (nat_x+1, nat_y-1)
(nat_x-1, nat_y)      (nat_x, nat_y)     (nat_x+1, nat_y)
(nat_x-1, nat_y+1)    (nat_x, nat_y+1)   (nat_x+1, nat_y+1)

With an isometric view, this looks like:

|                            (nat_x, nat_y-2)
|             (nat_x-1, nat_y-1)          (nat_x+1, nat_y-1)
| (nat_x-2, nat_y)            (nat_x, nat_y)              (nat_x+2, nat_y)
|             (nat_x-1, nat_y+1)          (nat_x+1, nat_y+1)
|                            (nat_x, nat_y+2)

Natural coordinates are mostly used for operations which concern the user view. It is the best way to determine the horizontal and the vertical axis of the view.

The only coordinates conversion is done using the NATURAL_TO_MAP_POS() function.

Native Coordinates

With classical view, this looks like:

(nat_x-1, nat_y-1)    (nat_x, nat_y-1)   (nat_x+1, nat_y-1)
(nat_x-1, nat_y)      (nat_x, nat_y)     (nat_x+1, nat_y)
(nat_x-1, nat_y+1)    (nat_x, nat_y+1)   (nat_x+1, nat_y+1)

With an isometric view, this looks like:

|                            (nat_x, nat_y-2)
|            (nat_x-1, nat_y-1)          (nat_x, nat_y-1)
| (nat_x-1, nat_y)            (nat_x, nat_y)            (nat_x+1, nat_y)
|           (nat_x-1, nat_y+1)          (nat_x, nat_y+1)
|                            (nat_x, nat_y+2)

Neither is particularly good for a global map operation such as map wrapping or conversions to or from map indexes. Something better is needed.

Native coordinates compress the map into a continuous rectangle. The dimensions are defined as map.xsize x map.ysize. For instance, the above iso-rectangular map is represented in native coordinates by compressing the natural representation in the X axis to get the 3x3 iso-rectangle of

ABC       (0,0) (1,0) (2,0)
DEF  <=>  (0,1) (1,1) (2,1)
GHI       (0,2) (1,2) (3,2)

The resulting coordinate system is much easier to use than map coordinates for some operations. These include most internal topology operations (e.g., normalize_map_pos, or whole_map_iterate) as well as storage (in map.tiles and savegames, for instance).

In general, native coordinates can be defined based on this property; the basic map becomes a continuous (gap-free) cardinally-oriented rectangle when expressed in native coordinates.

Native coordinates can be easily converted to map coordinates using the NATIVE_TO_MAP_POS() function, to index using the code:native_pos_to_index() function and to tile (shortcut) using the native_pos_to_tile() function.

After operations, such as the FC_WRAP(x, map.xsize) function, the result may be checked with the CHECK_NATIVE_POS() function.

Index Coordinates

Index coordinates simply reorder the map into a continuous (filled-in) one-dimensional system. This coordinate system is closely tied to the ordering of the tiles in native coordinates, and is slightly easier to use for some operations (like storage) because it is one-dimensional. In general you cannot assume anything about the ordering of the positions within the system.

Indexes can be easily converted to native coordinates using the index_to_native_pos() function or to map positions (shortcut) using the index_to_map_pos() function.

A map index can tested using the CHECK_INDEX macro.

With a classical rectangular map, the first three coordinate systems are equivalent. When we introduce isometric maps, the distinction becomes important, as demonstrated above. Many places in the code have introduced map_x/map_y or nat_x/nat_y to help distinguish whether map or native coordinates are being used. Other places are not yet rigorous in keeping them apart, and will often just name their variables x and y. The latter can usually be assumed to be map coordinates.

Note that if you do not need to do some abstract geometry exploit, you will mostly use tile pointers, and give to map tools the ability to perform what you want.

Note that map.xsize and map.ysize define the dimension of the map in _native_ coordinates.

Of course, if a future topology does not fit these rules for coordinate systems, they will have to be refined.

Native Coordinates on an Isometric Map

An isometric map is defined by the operation that converts between map (user) coordinates and native (internal) ones. In native coordinates, an isometric map behaves exactly the same way as a standard one. See Native Coordinates, above.

Converting from map to native coordinates involves a \(\pi \div 2\) rotation (which scales in each dimension by \(\sqrt{2}\)) followed by a compression in the X direction by a factor of 2. Then a translation is required since the “normal set” of native coordinates is defined as \((x, y)\) where \(\{x \mid 0\leq x < \texttt{map.xsize}\}\) and \(\{y \mid 0\leq y < \texttt{map.ysize}\}\) while the normal set of map coordinates must satisfy \(x \geq 0\) and \(y \geq 0\).

Converting from native to map coordinates (a less cumbersome operation) is the opposite.

|                                       EJ
|          ABCDE     A B C D E         DIO
| (native) FGHIJ <=>  F G H I J <=>   CHN  (map)
|          KLMNO     K L M N O       BGM
|                                   AFL
|                                    K

Note that:

native_to_map_pos(0, 0) == (0, map.xsize-1)
native_to_map_pos(map.xsize-1, 0) == (map.xsize-1, 0)
native_to_map_pos(x, y+2) = native_to_map_pos(x,y) + (1,1)
native_to_map_pos(x+1, y) = native_to_map_pos(x,y) + (1,-1)

The math then works out to:

\[\begin{split}x_\texttt{map} &= \left\lceil \dfrac{y_\texttt{nat}}{2} \right\rceil + x_\texttt{nat} \\ y_\texttt{map} &= \left\lfloor \dfrac{y_\texttt{nat}}{2} \right\rfloor - x_\texttt{nat} + x_\texttt{size} - 1\end{split}\]
\[\begin{split}y_\texttt{nat} &= x_\texttt{map} + y_\texttt{map} - x_\texttt{size} \\ x_\texttt{nat} &= \left\lfloor x_\texttt{map} - y_\texttt{map} + \dfrac{x_\texttt{size}}{2} \right\rfloor\end{split}\]

which leads to the macros NATIVE_TO_MAP_POS(), and MAP_TO_NATIVE_POS() that are defined in map.h.

Unknown Tiles and Fog of War

In common/player.h, there are several fields:

struct player {
  struct dbv tile_known;

  union {
    struct {
    } server;

struct {
    struct dbv tile_vision[V_COUNT];
    } client;

While tile_get_known() returns:

// network, order dependent
enum known_type {

The values TILE_UNKNOWN and TILE_KNOWN_SEEN are straightforward. TILE_KNOWN_UNSEEN is a tile of which the user knows the terrain, but not recent cities, roads, etc.

TILE_UNKNOWN tiles never are (nor should be) sent to the client. In the past, UNKNOWN tiles that were adjacent to UNSEEN or SEEN were sent to make the drawing process easier, but this has now been removed. This means exploring new land may sometimes change the appearance of existing land (but this is not fundamentally different from what might happen when you transform land). Sending the extra info, however, not only confused the goto code but allowed cheating.

Fog of War is the fact that even when you have seen a tile once you are not sent updates unless it is inside the sight range of one of your units or cities.

We keep track of Fog of War by counting the number of units and cities of each client that can see the tile. This requires a number per player, per tile, so each player_tile has a short[]. Every time a unit, city, or something else can observe a tile 1 is added to its player’s number at the tile, and when it cannot observe any more (killed/moved/pillaged) 1 is subtracted. In addition to the initialization/loading of a game this array is manipulated with the void unfog_area(struct player *pplayer, int x, int y, int len) and void fog_area(struct player *pplayer, int x, int y, int len) functions. The int len variable is the radius of the area that should be fogged/unfogged, i.e. a len of 1 is a normal unit. In addition to keeping track of Fog of War, these functions also make sure to reveal TILE_UNKNOWN tiles you get near, and send information about TILE_UNKNOWN tiles near that the client needs for drawing. They then send the tiles to the void send_tile_info(struct player *dest, int x, int y) function, which then sets the correct known_type and sends the tile to the client.

If you want to just show the terrain and cities of the square the function show_area() does this. The tiles remain fogged. If you play without Fog of War all the values of the seen arrays are initialized to 1. So you are using the exact same code, you just never get down to 0. As changes in the “fogginess” of the tiles are only sent to the client when the value shifts between zero and non-zero, no redundant packages are sent. You can even switch Fog of War on or off in game just by adding or subtracting 1 to all the tiles.

We only send city and terrain updates to the players who can see the tile. So a city, or improvement, can exist in a square that is known and fogged and not be shown on the map. Likewise, you can see a city in a fogged square even if the city does not exist. It will be removed when you see the tile again. This is done by 1) only sending info to players who can see a tile and 2) keeping track of what info has been sent so the game can be saved. For the purpose of 2), each player has a map on the server (consisting of player_tile and dumb_city fields) where the relevant information is kept.

The case where a player p1 gives map info to another player p2 requires some extra information. Imagine a tile that neither player sees, but which p1 has the most recent information on. In that case the age of the players’ information should be compared, which is why the player tile has a last_updated field. This field is not kept up to date as long as the player can see the tile and it is unfogged, but when the tile gets fogged the date is updated.

There is a Shared Vision feature, meaning that if p1 gives Shared Vision to p2, every time a function like show_area(), fog_area(), unfog_area(), or give_tile_info_from_player_to_player() is called on p1, p2 also gets the information. Note that if p2 gives Shared Vision to p3, p3 also gets the information for p1. This is controlled by p1's really_gives_vision bitvector, where the dependencies will be kept.

National Borders

For the display of national Borders (similar to those used in Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri) each map tile also has an owner field, to identify which nation lays claim to it. If game.borders is non-zero, each city claims a circle of tiles game.borders in Vision Radius. In the case of neighbouring enemy cities, tiles are divided equally, with the older city winning any ties. Cities claim all immediately adjacent tiles, plus any other tiles within the border radius on the same continent. Land cities also claim ocean tiles if they are surrounded by 5 land tiles on the same continent. This is a crude detection of inland seas or Lakes, which should be improved upon.

tile ownership is decided only by the server, and sent to the clients, which draw border lines between tiles of differing ownership. Owner information is sent for all tiles that are known by a client, whether or not they are fogged.